How can I delete a line in scala?

I've found a lot of posts about string escaping, but not about canceling escaping.

Using Scala Play, my controller accepts JSON as a request. I extract the string from it via:

val text: play.api.libs.json.JsValue = request.body.\("source")


If I type text.toString

I get for example

"Hello\tworld\nmy name is \"ABC\""


How can I convert this escaped text to normal? The result should look like

Hello    world
my name is "ABC"


Up to this point, I have tried this approach:

replaceAll("""\\t""", "\t")


However, creating all the possible escaping rules can be overwhelming. So my question is how to do this? It is possible to use the standard library. Java solutions are also possible.


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3 answers

There are interpolations that allow you to convert strings to formatted and / or escaped sequences. These interpolations such as s"..."

or f"..."

are handled in StringContext .

It also offers the opposite function:

val es = """Hello\tworld\nmy name is \"ABC\""""
val un = StringContext treatEscapes es




You have to use the unescape method from the scala standard library. Below is a link to the documentation that you will find at the right end of the Value section.



This is not an answer to canceling lines in general, but specifically for handling JsValue


text match { 
  case JsString(value) => value
  case _ => // what do you want to do for other cases?


You can implement unescape this way:

def unescapeJson(s: String) = JSON.parse('"' + s + '"') match {
  case JsString(value) => value
  case _ => ??? // can't happen


or use StringEscapeUtils

from Apache Commons Lang (it's a pretty big dependency though).



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