A generic Java interface with one parameter has actually two

I recently found Java code similar to this:

public interface DemoInterface<T> extends Serializable
    <V> void demoMethod(Collection<V> someValues, SomeType<V, T> moreValues);


Since I've already read some interface tips and never found a situation like this, I'm asking here: in the interface statement it mentions <T>

. What does it mean <V>


If you know the answer, please be patient and give an example how to use this interface and implementation of the interface and demoMethod.



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2 answers

I just offer an example:

DemoInterface<Type> demo = new DemoInterface<>() {
 <V> void demoMethod(Collection<V> someValues, SomeType<V, Type> moreValues) {
  Type type = new Type();
  foreach(V value: someValues) {
   Type subtype = moreValues.doSomething(value);
  System.out.printf("result: %s%n", type); 

SomeType<ValueA, Type> someA = new SomeType<>();
SomeType<ValueB, Type> someB = new SomeType<>();
List<ValueA> listA = new Arraylist<>(); // add some elements
List<ValueB> listA = new Arraylist<>(); // add some elements

demo.demoMethod(listA, someA);    
demo.demoMethod(listB, someB);





is an optional generic parameter that applies only to demoMethod

, as opposed to T

, which applies to all methods of this interface.



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