CSS transition on open

I am currently trying to make a text that changes color in a rainbow on hover and it works really well, only the problem is when you remove the mouse from the text that immediately goes to the original color and I would like it fade from the last color to the original, so it looks much smoother.

Also, if you would recommend doing it in any other way or in any other languages, I am completely open to it.

I'm generally new to transitions and I can't seem to figure it out.

    .logo {
        font-size: 100px;
        margin-top: 10px;
        margin-bottom: 5px;
        margin-right: auto;
        margin-left: auto;
        color: #FF006E;
    .logo:hover {
        -webkit-animation:logo 1s infinite;
        -ms-animation:logo 1s infinite;
        -o-animation:logo 1s infinite;
        animation:logo 1s infinite;
    @-webkit-keyframes logo {
    0% {color: #ff0000;}
    10% {color: #ff8000;}
    20% {color: #ffff00;}
    30% {color: #80ff00;}
    40% {color: #00ff00;}
    50% {color: #00ff80;}
    60% {color: #00ffff;}
    70% {color: #0080ff;}
    80% {color: #0000ff;}
    90% {color: #8000ff;}
    100% {color: #ff0080;}
    @-ms-keyframes logo {
    0% {color: #ff0000;}
    10% {color: #ff8000;}
    20% {color: #ffff00;}
    30% {color: #80ff00;}
    40% {color: #00ff00;}
    50% {color: #00ff80;}
    60% {color: #00ffff;}
    70% {color: #0080ff;}
    80% {color: #0000ff;}
    90% {color: #8000ff;}
    100% {color: #ff0080;}
    @-o-keyframes logo {
    0% {color: #ff0000;}
    10% {color: #ff8000;}
    20% {color: #ffff00;}
    30% {color: #80ff00;}
    40% {color: #00ff00;}
    50% {color: #00ff80;}
    60% {color: #00ffff;}
    70% {color: #0080ff;}
    80% {color: #0000ff;}
    90% {color: #8000ff;}
    100% {color: #ff0080;}
    @keyframes logo {
    0% {color: #ff0000;}
    10% {color: #ff8000;}
    20% {color: #ffff00;}
    30% {color: #80ff00;}
    40% {color: #00ff00;}
    50% {color: #00ff80;}
    60% {color: #00ffff;}
    70% {color: #0080ff;}
    80% {color: #0000ff;}
    90% {color: #8000ff;}
    100% {color: #ff0080;}

    <div class="logo">
    I am RainbowText! Fear me! :D



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4 answers

    .logo {
    font-size: 100px;
    margin-top: 10px;
    margin-bottom: 5px;
    margin-right: auto;
    margin-left: auto;
    color: #FF006E;
    transition: color 2s;



inside div

will do the trick!





will not affect the property animation

. So you cannot create a color fade effect through css3.

How about stopping the animation on mouse out:

.logo {
    animation: logo 1s infinite;
    animation-play-state: paused;

.logo:hover {
    animation-play-state: running;




Just add a transition to normal CSS

    .logo {
        -webkit-animation:logo 1s infinite;
        -ms-animation:logo 1s infinite;
        -o-animation:logo 1s infinite;
        animation:logo 1s infinite;
        font-size: 100px;
        margin-top: 10px;
        margin-bottom: 5px;
        margin-right: auto;
        margin-left: auto;
        color: #FF006E;


CSS transitions are the easiest way to do this, but if you want more options I would take a look at speed.js.



you can use transition

-webkit-transition: all .30s ease-in;
-moz-transition:    all .30s ease-in;
-o-transition:      all .30s ease-in;
-ms-transition:     all .30s ease-in;   
transition:         all .30s ease-in;


working demo here



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