Android app launcher app icon actual size

According to the android info above the web application launch sizes it follows:

48 × 48 (mdpi)
72 × 72 (hdpi)
96 × 96 (xhdpi)
144 × 144 (xxhdpi)
192 × 192 (xxxhdpi)


But when I take a screenshot from my actual Nexus5 pixel size it is different (180x180 for xxhdpi), it looks like Lollipop is using a different icon size.

What I mean: Problem

PS I am using the default android launcher, no modifications or accessibility settings.


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1 answer

Some devices scale the launcher icon by as much as 25%. For example, if the thumbnail image with the highest trigger density is even extra-high density, the scaling process will make it less clear. Thus, you should provide a higher density launcher icon in the directory mipmap-xxxhdpi

that the system uses, instead of scaling to a smaller version of the icon.

Note: The qualifier mipmap-xxxhdpi

is only needed to provide a launcher icon that may appear larger than usual on an xxhdpi device. It is best to place all your launcher icons in folders res/mipmap-[density]/

. This allows your app to display launcher icons that have a higher density than the device, without increasing the lower density version of the icon. You don't need to provide xxxhdpi resources for all of your app images.



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