
How do I close the following module using proxyquire and sinon:

var email = require("emailjs").server.connect.send();


I did the following but didn't work because when I try to throw an error in send()

, it still sends an email.

sendMailStub = sinon.stub(email, "send");    
testedModule = proxyquire('../index.js', {
                'email': {
                    'server': {
                        'send': sendMailStub


And also tried:

testedModule = proxyquire('../index.js', {
            email: {send: sendMailStub}


This is a complete test that fails:

var chai = require('chai');
var sinonChai = require("sinon-chai");
var sinon = require('sinon');
var proxyquire = require('proxyquire');
var testedModule;
var expect = chai.expect;

describe('invoicer', function () {

    var nock = require('nock');

    var ResponseOptions = {
        username: "Peter Pan",
        user_address_line_1: "Never Never Land",
        user_address_line_2: "Tree-house 99",
        user_post_code: "E4 9BY",
        delivery_address_line_1: "Hook Boat",
        delivery_address_line_2: "Dock 69",
        delivery_post_code: "SE2 4C",
        order_number: "234234234",
        order_date: "20/12/2090",
        dispatch_date: "20/12/2090",
        items: [
                product_name: "Fairy Dust",
                brand: "Airy fairy",
                quantity: 5,
                total: 2000
                product_name: "Pirate Sword",
                brand: "Pirate Bay",
                quantity: 8,
                total: 2000
        grand_total: 4000,
        user_email: ""

    var mailOptions = {
        text: "Hello World"

    var scope = nock("")
        .reply(200, ResponseOptions);

    var sendStub, readFileStub, url, contextDoneSpy, obj, connectStub;

    before(function () {

        readFileStub = sinon.stub();
        sendStub = sinon.stub().withArgs(mailOptions).callsArgWith(1, null, contextDoneSpy);
        connectStub = sinon.stub().returns({
            send: sendStub

        testedModule = proxyquire('../index', {
            'fs': {readFile: readFileStub},
            'emailjs': {
                'server': {
                    'connect': connectStub

        url = "";
        contextDoneSpy = sinon.spy();
        obj = {
            user: 'AKIAJMHSJRRYGKTE4TOQ',
            password: 'Ag3Nkpej8dxZ4DwYz2in/x8kUhN7Lh/BqXImB0+i+DWy',
            host: "",
            port: 587,
            tls: true,
            ssl: false

        readFileStub.withArgs('./email.html').callsArgWith(1, null, 'file1');


    it("readFile and successful context.done were called", function (done) {
        testedModule.Invoicer(url, obj, { done: function () {
            contextDoneSpy.apply(null, arguments);




source to share

1 answer

First correct the line that is described emailjs

with the documentation

  /* Required server options */
}).send(function (err, message) {
  // This a function with a callback node convention signature



is a function and must receive some parameters, and send

does not return anything, basically calls a callback

Proxyquire requires the use of the same module name, so it email

must be emailjs

, on the other hand, you are mistakenly assigning a stub in proxiquire

, it must be

connectStub = sinon.stub().returns(sendStub);
sendMailStub = sinon.stub(email, "send");    
testedModule = proxyquire('../index.js', {
            'emailjs': {
                'server': {
                    'connect': connectStub




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