
AngularJS - Accessing ng-init variables from run method

1) I have variables initialized in ng-init For example -



2) I want to access it from the .run method. For example -

anguar.module("ngApp", [])
.run(function() {
//Access password here


Below scripts I've tried and didn't work -

1) angular.module("ngApp", [])
.run(function($rootScope) { 
console.log($rootScope.password) //undefined!!!

2) angular.module("ngApp", [])
.run(function($rootScope, $timeout) { 
$(timeout(function() {
console.log($rootScope.password) //undefined!!!



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2 answers

You cannot get the ng-init value inside the block run

Angular LifeCycle

  • Config Phase (app.config) ($ rootScope not available here)
  • Run Phase (app.run) ($ rootScope will be available here)
  • Directive gets compiled ()
  • Then the controller, directive link function, filter, etc. are run. ( ng-init


If you want to get the initialization value in the startup phase, you need to set this value in the configuration phase.

If you want to set a value in config, you can use app.constant

/ provider

which is available in the config phase, don't use $rootScope

which is considered a wrong template in AngularJS.


var app = angular.module('app', []);

app.constant('settings', {
    title: 'My Title'

app.config(function(settings) {
    setting.title = 'Changed My Title';
    //here can you do other configurarion setting like route & init some variable

app.run(function(settings) {




I will give you a step by step guide how angular loads

angular module ---> .config ----> .run ----> controllers (ng-init)

now you can clean up your approach.



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