Selenium Grid and TeamCity Integration

I'm new to TeamCity and the Selenium Grid just trying to dive into it. I am trying to install Selenium grid. I am a little confused about starting a selenium grid. So the Selenium site explains how to run commands:


 java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.44.0.jar -role hub



java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.44.0.jar -role node  -hub http://localhost:4444/grid/register


for node.

My question is: is this one command? or do I need to add this command to my build config and add them as steps in TeamCity?


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2 answers

To answer my own question after doing a second search and trial and error:

Yes, this is one team. We don't add it to the build config. Selenium Hub and nodes should start with the scripts mentioned in the question. You need to go into eaxh box and run script invidualy for each window.

We do not restart our CI fields, obviously if we did, we ran the scripts again.

It's probably worth having some kind of script to make sure the host and nodes are up and running.

Unfortunately, technical guides usually assume you know everything!



These are commands that need to be executed once on the computer, and then it will work until you stop it or restart the computer. You can navigate to the hub's machine address like this: http: // ipaddress: 4444 / grid / console to see if your grid and nodes are available. New jars of selenium are also available. 3.8 is pretty stable, but they work on 4.0



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