How do you use the maven shade plugin to only include certain classes from a "provided" dependency?

I am using the maven shade plugin to package my application into a jar file. One of my dependencies is for Tomcat:



The scope of this dependency is provided as the container itself will ship its JAR files. However, I need to add a few separate classes from this dependency to my JAR file. I tried adding a filter and specifying the name of the class to add, but it seems that the provided dependencies are being ignored by the shadow plugin.



Any ideas on how I need this can be achieved?


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2 answers

I had the same problem and if I can suggest a solution then the maven-assembly-plugin should be used , which will solve your problem:



And here is a sample .xml collector that will allow you to include the "provided" scope artifacts:




I only have classpath problems in the generated artifact in the manifest file!



I'm not very familiar with this plugin, but the best place to look for solutions to these problems is to look at the plugin / target documentation .

I think the keepDependenciesWithProvidedScope parameter is what you are looking for.



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