UserManager VerifyUserTokenAsync Always False

I am generating usertoken for example

public async Task GenerateCode()

    var code = await UserManager.GenerateUserTokenAsync("heymega", new Guid("16139fcd-7ae0-449c-ad1c-f568bbe46744"));



Then I pass the same token to another activity via a separate request

public async Task ValidateCode(string code)

    var valid = await UserManager.VerifyUserTokenAsync(new Guid("16139fcd-7ae0-449c-ad1c-f568bbe46744"), "heymega", code); //Returns False



However, the answer from the method is VerifyUserTokenAsync

always wrong.

If I had to generate the code and check within the same action

public async Task GenerateCode()

    var code = await UserManager.GenerateUserTokenAsync("heymega", new Guid("16139fcd-7ae0-449c-ad1c-f568bbe46744"));

    var valid = await UserManager.VerifyUserTokenAsync(new Guid("16139fcd-7ae0-449c-ad1c-f568bbe46744"), "heymega", code); //Returns True



It returns true.

Why can't the Verify method validate the code in a separate request? Am I missing something?


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3 answers

I finally figured it out by pulling my hair out for hours. You need to url encode and I decided to use the HttpUtility class for that.



When it comes to code validation, you don't need the url to decode the code.



There is no way to fix this issue until you have used this:

 UserManager.VerifyUserTokenAsync(userId, AccountLockedOutPurpose, code).WithCurrentCulture<bool>();


.WithCurrentCulture () - used in all methods like ResetPasswordAsync etc.)



Once burned 2 days on this issue, here's another reason why this might happen to you.

In your Startup.cs service - ConfigureServices (IServiceCollection services) make sure that:



Appears BEFORE



Otherwise, calls to VerifyUserTokenAsync will always return false



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