New fixes for Laravel login

RESOLVED I tend to truncate my passwords as I was setting my password column size too low

I started using the PHP Laravel framework yesterday and I am very happy with that, except for one small part, this part is the standard input provided by the framework.

I created a new project in Netbeans and put it in the hampdocs xampp folder so I can access the site directly from the browser.

I used commands

composer create-project laravel/laravel --prefer-dist
cd laravel
composer install


This all seems to be working fine, I created a database using a migration that came with a clean install of laravel and registered a user that worked without crashing.

However, when I try to login, it gives the error

Whoops! There were some problems with your input.
       -These credentials do not match our records.


I thought it might be something I changed in the routes, so it was not using the correct routes to login, so I created the project from scratch and changed nothing other than my database parameters in the .env file, but he still gives me the same message.

If anyone could give me some advice on where in the code the problem might occur, I would be very grateful


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1 answer

Perhaps because you manually created your database, you managed to miss a part or two. I immediately thought that your password field is not long enough and is truncated (everything will look great, but it won't work).

Laravel hash functions require a password of at least 60 characters (and 100 for the memory token) to match the authentication .



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