Why does eta extension degrade fiber performance?

I read this article , which says that the eta extension will degrade performance fib

, as the code below fib1

will be much faster than other implementations. He explains that in slower versions the parameter fib'

will be overridden for every x argument. But I do not understand. Can anyone provide a more detailed explanation?

import System.Environment
import Control.Monad

main = do
    (mode:num:_) <- liftM (map read) getArgs
    case mode of
      1 -> print $ fib1 num
      2 -> print $ fib2 num
      3 -> print $ fib3 num
      4 -> print $ fib4 num

fib1 :: Int->Integer
fib1 = (map fib' [0..] !!)
  where fib' 0 = 1
        fib' 1 = 1
        fib' n = fib1 (n-1) + fib1 (n-2)
fib2 :: Int->Integer
fib2 x = map fib' [0..] !! x
  where fib' 0 = 1
        fib' 1 = 1
        fib' n = fib2 (n-1) + fib2 (n-2)
fib3 :: Int->Integer
fib3 = (map fib' [0..] !!)
  where fib' 0 = 1
        fib' 1 = 1
        fib' n = fib' (n-1) + fib' (n-2)
fib4 :: Int->Integer
fib4 x = map fib' [0..] !! x
  where fib' 0 = 1
        fib' 1 = 1
        fib' n = fib' (n-1) + fib' (n-2)


I have checked the code above.

Compiled with ghc --make fib.hs

, fib1

much faster than others. Compiling with ghc -O2 fib.hs

, fib1

and fib2

has the same performance as fib3

and is fib4

much slower.

It looks like it is -O2


optimizing with the flag , so I checked with ghc --make fib.hs -ddump-simpl

to see what is going on, and the generated code for the two functions is below

Rec {
fib1 [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: Int -> Integer
[GblId, Str=DmdType]
fib1 =
    @ Integer
       @ Int
       @ Integer
       (\ (ds_d10B :: Int) ->
          case ds_d10B of wild_X6 { GHC.Types.I# ds1_d10C ->
          case ds1_d10C of _ [Occ=Dead] {
            __DEFAULT ->
              + @ Integer
                (fib1 (- @ Int GHC.Num.$fNumInt wild_X6 (GHC.Types.I# 1)))
                (fib1 (- @ Int GHC.Num.$fNumInt wild_X6 (GHC.Types.I# 2)));
            0 -> __integer 1;
            1 -> __integer 1
       (enumFrom @ Int GHC.Enum.$fEnumInt (GHC.Types.I# 0)))
end Rec }

Rec {
fib2 [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: Int -> Integer
[GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType]
fib2 =
  \ (x_ay6 :: Int) ->
      @ Integer
         @ Int
         @ Integer
         (\ (ds_d10x :: Int) ->
            case ds_d10x of wild_X8 { GHC.Types.I# ds1_d10y ->
            case ds1_d10y of _ [Occ=Dead] {
              __DEFAULT ->
                + @ Integer
                  (fib2 (- @ Int GHC.Num.$fNumInt wild_X8 (GHC.Types.I# 1)))
                  (fib2 (- @ Int GHC.Num.$fNumInt wild_X8 (GHC.Types.I# 2)));
              0 -> __integer 1;
              1 -> __integer 1
         (enumFrom @ Int GHC.Enum.$fEnumInt (GHC.Types.I# 0)))
end Rec }


after reading the generated code, ghc -make -ddump-simpl fib.hs

I write two new functions to test it. Now compiled with ghc --make fib.hs

, fib5

it is still much faster than fib6

I think these two functions will make the analysis easier.

fib5 :: Int->Integer
fib5 = (!!) 
        (map (\n->
                case n of 
                  0 -> 1
                  1 -> 1
                  _ -> fib5 (n-1) + fib5 (n-2))
fib6 :: Int->Integer
fib6 = \x->
        (!!) (map (\n->
                case n of 
                  0 -> 1
                  1 -> 1
                  _ -> fib6 (n-1) + fib6 (n-2))



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1 answer

After looking at the linked article, it seems like the difference between

fibs = let fibs' = ... in (\ x -> map fibs [0..] !! x)



fibs = \ x -> let fibs' = ... in map fibs [0..] !! x


As you can see, the first version fibs'

has a global constant that never changes and you just index it. In the second version fibs

, it is a function that builds a "new" one, another fibs'

for each value x

. And what's the difference in performance.



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