Can I get the url of the address bar from the javascript console when the page has not loaded?

I'll just say that I typed the wrong hostname in the address bar.

For example, let's say I didn't have a local web server and I download:


On Chrome this will give me the message "This page is not available".

Is there anyway I can find out that the url is in the address bar from the Javascript console even if the page hasn't loaded?

I know I can usually use window.location.href

to do this, but in this case it returns "data:text/html,chromewebdata"


So, in this example, I would like to know if there is any javascript that returns http://localohost/callback_url

EDIT: The main reason I would like to do this is because I know that server side redirection when using ChromeDriver with Selenium failed. So I would rather avoid using extensions if possible, and I open Chrome and ChromeDriver specific solutions if applicable! Additional information added by the server may be added to the callback_url and I would like to see what that information is. I would like to avoid starting another server to get this data if possible.

enter image description here


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2 answers

The object loadTimeData

included in the page ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

has a URL failure:

> loadTimeData.data_.summary.failedUrl




You can get it from the page title. By typing document.title

and doing some regex you can get the url.

Another way I have found is using the following

var data = loadTimeData.createJsEvalContext();


If you open the developer tools and look for a portion of the URL in the source code, you can see what Chrome creates loadTimeData

in the "inaccessible page" page.



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