How do I associate an SSL certificate with custom Bluemix domains?

When I try to upload an SSL certificate for my own Bluemix domain, I get the following error:

BXNUI2072E: The intended host name, *.<custom_domain>, is not a subject within the certificate. 


How can I successfully upload my certificate and avoid this error?



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1 answer

I found out that the problem here was with the certificate I was using, which was for one specific domain. Bluemix only supports wildcard certificates that are key certificates.

I got around this by replacing my individual domain certificate with a wildcard certificate.

To generate a wildcard certificate, I had to specify the wildcard domain by adding an asterisk (*) and a period (.) Before my custom domain name.

In the following example, I used OpenSSL to generate a self-signed wildcard certificate. I've summarized this example, but I'll just specify a wildcard domain for the Common Name field.

Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:*.<custom_domain> 


I tested and successfully got this to work for both a self-signed certificate and a CA signed certificate.



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