lfrtip', "tableTools"...">

Data tablet problem with pdf, csv, xls and copy options

sTable = $('#s').dataTable({
        "dom": 'T<"clear">lfrtip',        
        "tableTools": {           
            "sSwfPath": "https://cdn.datatables.net/tabletools/2.1.1/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf",            
            "aButtons": [ 


The buttons render well, but copy, csv, xls, pdf don't work, I don't get any 404s, I checked in the browser console, but I load the totals and buttons container dynamically using a filter button. this may cause problems, please help me.


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2 answers

Finally I got a solution and it works great. The problem was that my buttons are hidden, so, during intialisation, it was not getting the height and width of my pill button. So I created a function for the callback function that adds the width and height of the buttons.

funtion m(){
  $('[id^=ToolTables_] embed').each(function( index ) {

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