Error loading rsa private key - MUP for deploying Meteor app to Digital Ocean w / SSL

I have a Meteor application that I am deploying to a Digital Ocean Ubuntu server via MUP . It works fine without SSL, but I can't figure out the SSL part.

I bought Comodo SSL Cert. They sent me 4 .crt files. I can run the following command:

cat cert1.crt cert2.crt cert3.crt mydomain.crt > ssl.pem


Then I put this file ssl.pem

in my root directory locally. Added "ssl": {"pem":"./ssl.pem"}

to my mup.json

file and running mup setup

- everything will succeed as long as:

[] x Verifying SSL Configurations (ssl.pem): FAILED
    Trying to initialize SSL contexts with your certificatesError loading rsa private key


I'm not even sure how to fix this issue. I ran swift find

on the server and ssl.pem

- there, so mup sent the file successfully, but it stud

doesn't seem to check the file or find it?


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1 answer

It turns out I ran into two different problems. First, you have your certificate files in a very specific order. Secondly, I have not included my key file. The command to create the .pem file is needed:

cat mydomain.crt COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt mydomain.nopass.key > ssl.pem


This blog post on DeveloperSide.NET helped me a lot.



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