Get the directory of the input file (Applescript)

I'm confused. I've worked for an hour and tried maybe ten different forms set posixDirectory to POSIX path of (parent of (path to aFile) as string)

, but I can't figure out which is correct.

I am getting the full POSIX path (including filename) by doing set posixFilePath to POSIX path of aFile

Now how do I get the POSIX path in a directory only? I am getting various errors depending on what I am doing ... cannot make an alias .. cannot get the parent alias ...

I would have thought that this should work, but it doesn't ...   set posixDirectory to POSIX path of ((parent of aFile))


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4 answers

There are several ways to do this if you already have the original path.

From Posix path format

set thePath to "/Users/USERNAME/Documents/Test/selectedTextColour.css"

set textNumber1 to characters 1 thru -((offset of "/" in (reverse of items of thePath as string)) + 1) of thePath as string


or using a shell

set thePath to "/Users/USERNAME/Documents/Test/selectedTextColour.css"

set parentPath to do shell script "dirname " & quoted form of thePath


Result: "/Users/USERNAME/Documents/Test"

From the Posix file format

set thePath to "Macintosh HD:Users:USERNAME:Documents:Test:selectedTextColour.css"

set textNumber1 to characters 1 thru -((offset of ":" in (reverse of items of thePath as string)) + 1) of thePath as string


Result: "Macintosh HD:Users:USERNAME:Documents:Test"



Use the container Finder command :

set aFile to choose file

tell application "Finder" to set posixDirectory to POSIX path of ((container of aFile) as text)




This should be sufficient if you already have the posix file path.

to parentFolOfPxPath for pxPath
    -- Assumes no superfluous slashes
    set {tids, text item delimiters, i} to {text item delimiters, "/", ((pxPath ends with "/") as integer) + 1}
    set {parFol, text item delimiters} to {text 1 thru text item -(i + 1) of pxPath, tids}
    return parFol
end parentFolOfPxPath




Try a subroutine parentFolderOf(localPath)

. localPath

It may be alias

, alias as text

or posix path

. It returns a link that you can use with Finder

, for example:

set thisItem to parentFolderOf(path to fonts folder)
tell application "Finder" to reveal thisItem


Here's the script:

log (path to fonts folder)
log parentFolderOf(path to fonts folder)
log parentFolderOf(POSIX path of (path to fonts folder as text)) as text

log parentFolderOf("/System")
log parentFolderOf("/System") as text

# lets generate an error:
# parentFolderOf("ThisGeneratesAnError")

on parentFolderOf(localPath)

    if (class of localPath is text) and (localPath contains ":") then
            set localPath to localPath as alias
        on error
            error "File missing!"
        end try
    end if

    # if its not an alias and not text containing ":" we assume its a posix path
    if not (class of localPath is alias) then
            set localPath to (localPath as POSIX file) as alias
        on error
            error "File missing!"
        end try
    end if

    -- get the container:
    set localPathContainerPath to ""
    tell application "Finder"
            set localPathContainerPath to (get container of localPath)
        end try
    end tell

    return localPathContainerPath

end parentFolderOf


Addition The McUsr method seems like a good strategy because there is no need to use Finder

(which throws an error if the item is missing). Here's the version whose input works with alias

, (alias as text)

or posix path


log (parentFolder for (path to me))
log (parentFolder for "/Root/Sub1/Sub2/Sub3/testFile.txt")
log (parentFolder for "/Root/Sub1/Sub2/Sub3////")
log (parentFolder for "///Root/Sub1/Sub2/Sub3////")

log (posixPath for (path to me))

to parentFolder for aPath
    set aPath to posixPath for aPath
    set {tids, text item delimiters, i} to {text item delimiters, "/", ((aPath ends with "/") as integer) + 1}
    set {pF, text item delimiters} to {text 1 thru text item -(i + 1) of aPath, tids}
    return pF
end parentFolder

to posixPath for aPath
    if class of aPath is not text then set aPath to aPath as text
    if aPath contains ":" then set aPath to POSIX path of aPath
    repeat while aPath starts with "//"
        set aPath to (characters 2 thru -1 of aPath) as text
    end repeat
    repeat while aPath ends with "//"
        set aPath to (characters 1 thru -2 of aPath) as text
    end repeat
    return aPath
end posixPath




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