Get AST for C fragment using Clang?

I am creating a clang plugin and I am trying to create an AST for a C snippet at some point in the plugin. Something like:

std::string c_code = "...";


Can anyone point me to how to do this?


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2 answers

Maybe there are several ways to achieve this, but finally I got the following snippet and it looks simple enough to me:

//arguments to the compiler
std::unique_ptr <std::vector<const char*>> args(new std::vector<const char*>());

//do the magic
ASTUnit *au = ASTUnit::LoadFromCommandLine(
  &(*args)[0] + args->size(),
    CompilerInstance::createDiagnostics(new DiagnosticOptions)),

//get the translation unit node
Declr *d = au->getASTContext().getTranslationUnitDecl();


Simple alternatives or suggestions for improving this are welcome.



I don't have any ready-made copy-paste code, but the idea I used earlier is as follows:

Note that clang_parseTranslationUnit takes unsaved_files

one of the arguments. So the idea would be to provide the command line g++ main.cpp

and then provide the unsaved file with the name main.cpp

and content from your line.



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