Is there a way to validate all sizes of an input array in numpy?

I am running Python 2.7.9. I have two numpy arrays (100000 x 142 and 100000 x 20) that I want to concatenate into an array of size 1, 100000 x 162.

Below is the code I am running:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

def ratingtrueup():
    actones = np.ones((100000, 20), dtype='f8', order='C')
    actualhhdata = np.array(pd.read_csv
                           ('C:/Users/Desktop/2015actualhhrating.csv', index_col=None, header=None, sep=','))
    projectedhhdata = np.array(pd.read_csv
                           ('C:/Users/Desktop/2015projectedhhrating.csv', index_col=None, header=None, sep=','))
    adjfctr = round(1 + ((actualhhdata.mean() - projectedhhdata.mean()) / projectedhhdata.mean()), 5)
    projectedhhdata = (adjfctr * projectedhhdata)
    actualhhdata = (actones * actualhhdata)
    end = np.concatenate((actualhhdata.T, projectedhhdata[:, 20:]), axis=1)


I am getting the following value error:

File "C: /Users/PycharmProjects/TestProjects/", line 16, in rating end = np.concatenate ([actualhhdata.T, projectedhhdata [:, 20:]], axis = 1) ValueError: all dimensions of the input array other than the concatenation axis must exactly match

I have confirmed that both arrays are 'numpy.ndarry'.

Is there a way to check the dimensions of the input array to see where I am going wrong.

Thanks in advance.


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1 answer

I would add a (temporary) print line before concatenate


actualhhdata = (actones * actualhhdata)
print(acutalhhdata.T.shape, projectedhhdata[:,20:].shape)
end = np.concatenate((actualhhdata.T, projectedhhdata[:, 20:]), axis=1)


For more production context, you might want to add some kind of test


assert x.shape[0]==y.shape[0], (x.shape,y.shape)




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