HashCode implementation for BST

In Java, to compare two equality objections, you must implement both a method equals

and a method hashCode

. I need to compare two BSTs for equality. How to implement the method hashCode

in this case? The implementation hashCode

in the class Node

is now simple enough: imagine my data int

. But I can't just add the node values ​​to check if the trees are equal. So how do I go about doing this? Has anyone done this successfully?

I am thinking of many different things I can do, but I am not sure how scalable they are. For example, I could use the order of the levels and multiply by a large prime for each level, but I cannot be sure that this will work. So maybe someone who understands better can help me. Thank.


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1 answer

I can't just add node values ​​to check if the trees are equal.

Sure. hashCode

do not have to be unique, and if two BSTs have the same content, then summing the contents of the node will give you the same results in each case, which satisfies the contract hashCode

. Remember - is return 0

always a valid version hashCode()

; uniqueness is not required.

(Summing the hash codes of the contents of a node is essentially implemented as TreeSet.hashCode()


On the other hand, if you care about structure, you can do something as simple as implement Node.hashCode()


int h = contents.hashCode();
h = h * 31 + Objects.hashCode(leftChild);
h = h * 31 + Objects.hashCode(rightChild);
return h;


... and that will give you a decent hash function structure too.



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