Is Meteor supported in VS Code?

Does this need to add Visual Studio Code or is there a way to make it work?


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3 answers

Visual Studio Code can provide Intellisense and Alerts for Meteor. To do this, you just need to add the TypeScript definition file for Meteor to your project folder. You don't need to code with TypeScript for this to work, it works great for JavaScript too.

An easy way to add this file is to use the TypeScript Definition Manager . Open a command prompt, navigate to your project folder and type tsd query meteor --action install

. This will add all the necessary bits and you will see that Meteor specific syntax is no longer highlighted in green in VS Code.

If you don't already have the TypeScript Definition Manager, there is a good guide to this in the official VS Code documentation.

There are also many voices looking to improve Meteor support to be built into VS Code, currently the 16th most requested feature .



For anyone looking to debug a meteor application in the IDE:

You can run your application in debug mode with meteor debug

and then attach the debugger to port number 5858, it should work for all types of node.js debuggers eg. Visual Studio, Visual Code, Webstorm, etc, because they all have a debugger "attach" option next to the "debug" option.



A Visual Studio project was created : but it hasn't been supported for 2 years and does not provide any releases / downloads unfortunately.



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