Display images from selected array based on radio button selection?

  • So, I want to display another array of images for a select button selection using javascript, but cannot get the code to run. A solution using jquery will work as well.

    <script language="javascript">
    var surffamous = new Array;
    surffamous[0] = "teahupoo.jpg"
    surffamous[1] = "blacks.jpg"
    surffamous[2] = "supertubes.jpg"
    surffamous[3] = "pipeline.jpg"
    var surfsocal = new Array;
    surfsocal[0] = "lajolla.jpg"
    surfsocal[1] = "oceanside.jpg"
    surfsocal[2] = "delmar.jpg"
    surfsocal[3] = "cardiff.jpg"
    var surfcentralcal = new Array;
    surfcentralcal[0] = "rincon.jpg"
    surfcentralcal[1] = "leocarillo.jpg"
    surfcentralcal[2] = "elcapitan.jpg"
    surfcentralcal[3] = "hollister.jpg"

    <form style="color: #2D5059">
    <p>Where would you like to explore?</p< <br> <br>
    <input type="radio" name="spot" id="socal" value="southern">Southern California
    <input type="radio" name="spot" id="central" value="central">Central California
    <input type="radio" name="spot" id="famous" value="famous">Famous Spots
    <script language="javascript">
    function check() {
    for(i=0; i<4; i++){
    if(document.getElementById('socal').checked) {
    document.write('<img src="'+  surfsocal[i] +'"/> ' + '</a>');
    else if(document.getElementById('central').checked) {
    document.write('<img src="'+  surfcentralcal[i] +'"/> ' + '</a>');
    else if(document.getElementById('famous').checked) {
    document.write('<img src="'+  surffamous[i] +'"/> ' + '</a>');


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2 answers

Your code won't run because it throws an error: you don't have enough token }

to close the validation function.

Try this, I made some changes:

#images img {
    margin: 1em;
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;

<form style="color: #2D5059">
    <p>Where would you like to explore?</p>

    <input type="radio" name="spot" id="socal" value="southern">
    <label for="socal">Southern California</label>

    <input type="radio" name="spot" id="central" value="central">
    <label for="central">Central California</label>

    <input type="radio" name="spot" id="famous" value="famous">
    <label for="famous">Famous Spots</label>

<div id="images"></div>

// Find the images div and all of the radio buttons
var images = document.getElementById('images'),
    radioButtons = document.getElementsByName('spot');

// Use [] instead of new Array()
var surffamous = [];
surffamous[0] = "teahupoo.jpg"
surffamous[1] = "blacks.jpg"
surffamous[2] = "supertubes.jpg"
surffamous[3] = "pipeline.jpg"

var surfsocal = [];
surfsocal[0] = "lajolla.jpg"
surfsocal[1] = "oceanside.jpg"
surfsocal[2] = "delmar.jpg"
surfsocal[3] = "cardiff.jpg"

var surfcentralcal = [];
surfcentralcal[0] = "rincon.jpg"
surfcentralcal[1] = "leocarillo.jpg"
surfcentralcal[2] = "elcapitan.jpg"
surfcentralcal[3] = "hollister.jpg"

function check() {
    var image,
        fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
    for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        // Don't use document.write
        image = new Image();

        // 'this' refers to the clicked radio button
        if (this.id === 'socal') {
            image.src = surfsocal[i];
        } else if (this.id === 'central') {
            image.src = surfcentralcal[i];
        } else if (this.id === 'famous') {
            image.src = surffamous[i];
        // The fragment helps you minimize
        // direct DOM insertions
    images.innerHTML = '';

// Attach a listener to each button, using a loop
for(var i = radioButtons.length; i--;) {
    radioButtons[i].onchange = check;

Run codeHide result

Make sure you add the script tag after the images

We mostly avoid document.write

, add a listener onchange

to each radio button and create an image and add it to the div when the radio button is clicked (when it changes).

I also changed a few things, such new Array

as a literal declaration []

and added labels to your radio buttons so that when you click on the text, it looks like you clicked a button.

Hope this works for you. If not, please let me know. Good luck :)



function check(spot) {

    var whichArray;
    if (spot.value == "southern") {
        whichArray = surfsocal;
    else if (spot.value == "central") {
        whichArray = surfcentralcal;
    else if (spot.value == "famous") {
        whichArray = surffamous;
function DisplayImages(images) {
    for(i=0; i<images.length; i++) {
        document.write('<img src="'+  images[i] +'"/> ');


Then add onclicks to the switches

<input type="radio" name="spot" id="socal" value="southern" onclick="check(this);">Southern California
<input type="radio" name="spot" id="central" value="central" onclick="check(this);">Central California
<input type="radio" name="spot" id="famous" value="famous" onclick="check(this);">Famous Spots


Not tested, but should start.



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