Can I get metadata when using "listobjects" on S3 in node?

I can get basic information using "listObjects", but I would like to get the metadata of each object without making another request. At the moment I am using:

var bucket = new AWS.S3({
    params: {
        Bucket: 'Bucketname',
        Prefix: req.body.params.objectId + '/',
        Delimiter: '/'

bucket.listObjects(function(err, data) {
    if (err) {
        console.log('Could not load objects from S3');
    } else {


This returns

CommonPrefixes: Array[0]
Contents: Array[1]
Delimiter: "/"
IsTruncated: false
Marker: ""
MaxKeys: 1000
Name: "encore-storage"
Prefix: "Music/Demos/song.mp3"


But I would like to get metadata like "ContentType" without making another call for each object.


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