Explained Steps When Building OpenCV Libraries Using CMake

I created OpenCV libraries using CMake a couple of times using tutorials available on the web, albeit without fully understanding the process. Here is the process that I am following

  • Configure CMake to generate OpenCV binaries (e.g. with QT, TBB, no CUDA, OpenCL, etc.)
  • Generating binaries with CMake
  • There are several files in the folder where the binaries are created .sln

    . I open the file OpenCV.sln

    and run the project ALL_BUILD

    for Debug and Release configurations.
  • A new folder has been created. bin

    Which contains a library (as .lib

    well as .dll

    for the release and debug versions.
  • (Optional) Sometimes I also create a project named INSTALL

    (in the same solution), just out of curiosity. I noticed that it creates a different folder where the library files are stored, in the same pattern as the prebuilt libraries that come with the OpenCV package. Interestingly, my programs in MSVC or Qt work equally well if I link to libraries in the folder INSTALL

    or the bin

    / folder lib


My questions

  • What is the function of the solution INSTALL

  • How are libraries created by the solution INSTALL

    different from those in the bin

    and folders lib

  • Why the solution is INSTALL

    not created when the solution is builtALL_BUILD


source to share

1 answer

  • What is the function of the solution install


It collects / assembles the output of an assembly into a portable set of libraries and headers that you know can be moved around on your machine or another machine.

  1. How are libraries generated by the solution install

    different from those found in the bin

    and folders lib


This is not true. You probably created the first common and then (by reconfiguring with cmake) static libraries, but instead of the target install, only the one you currently selected is installed (in your cmake-gui?)

  1. Why the solution is install

    not created when the solution is builtALL_BUILD


is a special target for cmake. In fact, by default, install

target all

is only actually executed when it all

succeeds, but on the contrary does not match true.



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