Avoid Cassandra 2.1. The warning trigger directory does not exist.

Creating a new Cassandra and a simple insert results in an unexpected warning:

SharedPool-Worker-1] WARN o.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities - Trigger directory does not exist, please create it and try again.

Checking the source, he sees that Cassandra expects a trigger directory to exist (default trigger-name).

Since I start a new Cassandra every time, I would like to know how I can advise Cassandra to create a triggers directory. I don't want to artificially fumble from him.

[update] Cassandra uses the main default method and runs in user space. Since directories for cache, data and third are created during the definition of cassandra.yaml, I am wondering where to specify the trigger directory or how else it will be created.

@close screamers Having an annoying warning in the logs that shouldn't exist in the end, this is what I think is a bug, so please resolve this question .... (no offense, just begging with stackoverflow)


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2 answers

As I learned from the code for the FBUtilities.cassandraTriggerDir method, the "cassandra.triggers_dir" property is read before attempting to run the default trigger triggers. Setting the property to the correct directory (after creation) solved the problem.

The root cause of the problem was at the beginning, the trigger directory did not exist at all, and the second Cassandra directory is not part of the classpath. Thus, Cassandra was unable to locate the trigger directory correctly.

So the cassandra.yaml entry is missing for the totals in this issue.

PS: Thanks Bryce for your help!



Do you have a trigger defined on the table you are inserting into or your schema? Or have you upgraded Cassandra from version to version 2.0?

In any case, the directory /triggers

for version 2.1 depends on your installation type.

  • To install to a tarball, it should be: {install_location}/conf/triggers

  • For a batch installation, it should be: /etc/cassandra/triggers



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