PHP: how to access data members of a superclass in a subclass of the same name?

I've searched everywhere but couldn't find a solution for this. Below is my code where I want to access the $myvar

superclass in the subclass, but I don’t know how? when i use the keyword $this

it accesses a variable in the same class but not in the superclass. please, any help would be greatly appreciated.


class First{
    protected $myvar = "First Class";

class Second extends First{

    public $myvar = "Second Class";

    function __construct(){
        echo $this -> myvar;// here I want to access the $myvar of super class


$obj = new Second();



Note. I can implement the same functionality in java using the keyword super



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4 answers

You cannot overwrite when creating a subclass that inherits from the parent class. Therefore, you will have to change the name for it.



The way you are trying to do this will not work, as Risier pointed out. Maybe static properties might be useful to you (depending on your needs)

class a {
    protected static $var = 'a';

class b extends a {
    protected static $var = 'b';

    public function __construct() {
        echo self::$var;
        echo parent::$var;


$b = new b();


You can also restore a

to b

. You could use inheritance for methods and possibly other properties, being able to use the default in a


class a {
    protected  $var = 'a';

class b extends a {
    protected  $var = 'b';

    public function __construct() {
        echo $this->var;

        $a = new a();
        echo $a->var;


$b = new b();


The main question I have to answer is why you want a class to inherit from another, but still want to be able to change / modify material in the parent. This is something counterproductive to the entire inheritance project.



You can create a custom function that returns variables from the parent class. But keep in mind that the variables must be "private":

class First{
    private $myvar = "First Class";
    protected function get_variable($var_name)
        return $this->{$var_name};
class Second extends First{
    public $myvar = "Second Class";
    function __construct() {
        echo parent::get_variable('myvar');

$obj = new Second();




You will override the parent parameter: public $ myvar = "Second class"; Remove this line to use inheritance from the parent class or to change the parameter name of the child class.



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