Concrete5 5.7: How to Use Popup Dialog Box on Individual Control Panel Panels

I have a package with a separate dashboard page. On this separate page, I need a dynamically generated dialog popup and therefore I also need to use router, views ( package/mypackage/views

) and controllers.

Now the questions:

  • What does the directory structure look like?
  • Where and how to use Router::register('what_path_?', 'Namespace\?\Class::method')

    to create a route to a view / controller?
  • How do I call the route inside a single page view ( Url::to(?)

    ) and in conjunction with a JS dialog?

Please add comments if some questions are still open!


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3 answers

To create modal dialogs on separate toolbar pages in packages, the following steps are required (if the package already exists):

  • Create the following additional files / folders (for readability):


  • The my_dialog controller should look like this:

    namespace Concrete\Package\MyPackage\Controller\Dialog;
    use Concrete\Core\Controller\Controller;
    class MyDialog extends Controller
        protected $viewPath = 'dialogs/my_dialog';
        public function view()
            /** your code */

  • The "my_dialog" view is the standard Concrete5 view.
  • Add (if doesn't exist) the following method inside the package controller:

    public function on_start()

  • Now in single page view:

    <a class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-button="my-dialog">My dialog</a>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $('a[data-button=add-event]').on('click', function() {
                href: '<?= URL::to('/my_package/my_dialog'); ?>',
                title: 'My dialog',
                width: '280',
                height: '220',
                modal: true
            return false;


The route can be called, but he wants it (ex:) /superuser/needs/new/pants


The call in the JS dialog could be better handled, please comment it out.



In specific5 you can use $

for example:

    width: 500,
    height: 300,
    element: $('<div>This is an example!</div>')




To add some more "inline code":


<div id="my_dialog" style="display: none">
          This is an example!



    title: 'My Title',
    width: 500,
    height: 300,
    modal: true,
    buttons: [
            text: 'Yes',
            icons: {
                primary: "ui-icon-confirm"
            click: function () {
                // Confirmed code
            text: 'No',
            icons: {
                primary: "ui-icon-cancel"
            click: function () {




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