Instagram API OGuth and Endpoints update 04-30-2015

After the big Instagram API, many instagram based apps started getting access_token errors for all users trying to login (tried to create a new instagram client - didn't work) I am using Thiago Locatelli and Lorensius W. LT android-instagram-omniauth https: //

according to their code i am getting this error "Failed to get access token"

Here is the code:

    static int WHAT_FINALIZE = 0;
    static int WHAT_ERROR = 1;
    private static int WHAT_FETCH_INFO = 2;


    private Handler mHandler = new Handler() {
    public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
        if (msg.what == WHAT_ERROR) {
            if (msg.arg1 == 1) {
                mListener.onFail("Failed to get access token");
            } else if (msg.arg1 == 2) {
                mListener.onFail("Failed to get user information");
        } else if (msg.what == WHAT_FETCH_INFO) {
            // fetchUserName();


I think it might be the same problem as here: Instagram oAuth return "No matching code found" on the same server

UPDATE . This problem can be fixed by changing your server IP, but there is not enough information on how to set up the Instagram app. It has "Enforce signed requests" or "Disable implicit OAuth" etc.)

Does the WEBSITE_URL parameter in the Instagram instagram client app indicate your server IP?

By the way, now when you try to save the settings of the instagram client app, you get the message "Sorry, there was an error processing this request" which should mean some internal changes are being made right now ...

Thank you, comrades!

solved :

The problem was solved by changing my local IP (I contacted my IS provider and changed the IP to a different one). Instagram probably blocked my previous shared IP for a lot of requests, so switching to the new one worked for me. Try to connect from a mobile network (or any other network other than yours), if there is no error - you need to change your local ip. If the error persists, your server IP address may be the cause.


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1 answer


Changing the local IP fixed the problem (I contacted my ISP and changed the IP to a different one).

Instagram has a security system that can block an IP address (usually shared) for too many requests. So if you have a similar problem, just switch to a new IP address.

If you are not sure what your local IP address is , try connecting from your mobile phone via the GSM network (or any other network other than yours), and if there is no error when using a different IP address, you need to change your local IP address. Otherwise, it could be your server IP address.



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