Is there any direct method to fetch data from a Couchbase server in R Studio?

I'm new to this issue with little or no experience with Couchbase, so I might just skip some simple and direct ways to access the data it contains to R Studio. Do you guys know about the solution?

Do I need to handle such requests through some other platforms?

Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated.


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1 answer

Couchdb has a relaxed http interface, so you can access the database directly. There is a package for R that should make it easier for you:

Here's an example Uri that can be used to request a couch view:



Keep in mind that the couch is rather unusual in that getting data from it requires creating views in the database. You may not be able to complete certain queries without creating views in the admin interface.

But if you're just asking for existing views, the http client is all you need.



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