How to preload AudioClip in Java

I am using this class to play a song in my program:

public class Sound extends Thread {
    private static AudioClip song;

    public Sound(String songUrl) {

            URL songFile = SoundRessources.class.getResource(songUrl);
            song = Applet.newAudioClip(songFile);
        }catch(NullPointerException e){
            System.out.println("impossible de trouver la musique");


    public void playSound() {;    


But when I play like this:

new Sound("xxxxx/xxxx.wav").play();


A few seconds before the sound starts playing.

My question is: Can I preload sound? Maybe the library is more responsive than this applet? Or do you have an idea to play instantly?


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1 answer

Your use is Thread

very strange. If you want to load a clip on a background thread and then start playing, you will need to change:

public class BackroundSound extends Thread {
    private String songUrl;

    public BackroundSound(String url) {
        songUrl = url;

    //load in background and then start playing
    public void run() {
        if (songUrl == null) {
            // log error, url wasn't set
        URL songFile = SoundRessources.class.getResource(songUrl);
        AudioClip song = Applet.newAudioClip(songFile);;
        // log - playback is finished


Loading and playing sound:

new BackroundSound("xxxxx/xxxx.wav").start();




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