PHP fatal error: cannot use object of type simple_html_dom as array

I am working on web scraping apps using simple_html_dom

. I need to extract all images in a webpage. The possibilities are listed below:

  • <img>

    Tag Images
  • if one page has css with tag <style>

  • if there is an image with inline styling with <div>

    or with a different tag.

I can clear all images using the following code.

function download_images($html, $page_url , $local_url){

    foreach($html->find('img') as $element) {
        $img_url = $element->src;
        $img_url = rel2abs($img_url, $page_url);
        $parts   = parse_url($img_url);
        $img_path=  $parts['path'];
        $url_to_be_change = $GLOBALS['website_server_root'].$img_path;
        download_file($img_url, $GLOBALS['website_local_root'].$img_path);  

    $css_inline = $html->find("style");

    $matches = array();
    preg_match_all( "/url\((.*?)\)/", $css_inline, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER );
    foreach ( $matches as $match )    {
        $img_url = trim( $match[1], "\"'" );
        $img_url = rel2abs($img_url, $page_url);
        $parts   = parse_url($img_url);
        $img_path=  $parts['path'];
        $url_to_be_change = $GLOBALS['website_server_root'].$img_path  ;
        download_file($img_url , $GLOBALS['website_local_root'].$img_path); 
        $html = str_replace($img_url , $url_to_be_change , $html );

    return $html;

$html = download_images($html , $page_url , $dir); // working fine
$html = str_get_html ($html);
$html->save($dir. "/" . $ff);    


Please note that I am also changing the HTML after the image is loaded.

the download works fine. but when I try to save the HTML then it gives the following error:

PHP fatal error: cannot use object of type simple_html_dom as array

Important: it works fine if I don't use the str_replace

second loop either .

Fatal error: Cannot use object of type simple_html_dom as an array in / var / www / html / app / framework / cache / includes / simple_html_dom.php on line 1167


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3 answers

Guess # 1

I see a possible error here:

$html = str_get_html($html);


It looks like you are passing an object to the str_get_html () function while it is taking a string as an argument. Let's fix it like this:

$html = str_get_html($html->plaintext);


We can only guess what the content of the $ html variable that comes with this piece of code is.

Guess # 2

Or maybe we just need to use a different function in the download_images function to make your code correct in both cases:

function download_images($html, $page_url , $local_url){

    foreach($html->find('img') as $element) {
        $img_url = $element->src;
        $img_url = rel2abs($img_url, $page_url);
        $parts   = parse_url($img_url);
        $img_path=  $parts['path'];
        $url_to_be_change = $GLOBALS['website_server_root'].$img_path  ;
        download_file($img_url , $GLOBALS['website_local_root'].$img_path); 

    $css_inline = $html->find("style");

    $result_html = "";
    $matches = array();
    preg_match_all( "/url\((.*?)\)/", $css_inline, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER );
    foreach ( $matches as $match )    {
        $img_url = trim( $match[1], "\"'" );
        $img_url = rel2abs($img_url, $page_url);
        $parts   = parse_url($img_url);
        $img_path=  $parts['path'];
        $url_to_be_change = $GLOBALS['website_server_root'].$img_path  ;
        download_file($img_url , $GLOBALS['website_local_root'].$img_path); 
        $result_html = str_replace($img_url , $url_to_be_change , $html );

    return $result_html;

$html = download_images($html , $page_url , $dir); // working fine
$html = str_get_html ($html);
$html->save($dir. "/" . $ff);


Explanation: if there is no match (the $ matches array is empty), we never go into the second loop, so the $ html variable still has the same value as at the beginning of the function. This is a common mistake when trying to use the same variable instead of code where you need two different variables.



As stated in the error message, you are dealing with an object that must be an array. You can try tpyecasting your object:

$array =  (array) $yourObject;


This should fix the problem.



I had this error, I solved it by using (in my case) return $ html-> save (); at the end of the function. I cannot explain why two instances with different variable names and scopes in different functions made this error. I guess this is how the "simple html dom" class works.

Just to be clear, try: $ html-> save () before doing anything else after

I hope this information helps someone :)



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