Optimal camera focus mode android java

I have an Android app that uses a phone camera.

First the camera opens, I want to try to use the Auto Focus and Macro modes and code the best focus I get.

I would like to ask 2 things:

  • Is there an intrinsic parameter that gives an estimate of focus?

  • Is there a known algorithm that gives an estimate of focus (the algorithm doesn't have to be complicated because I'm doing it in real time on 1080p video).


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1 answer

I know that linking isn't usually useful, but I don't have time to go through all the pages. I believe that something is better than nothing :)

This is the link for a summary of the android.hardware.camera2.params packages . I couldn't find anything like what you are looking for, but this is a good place to start.

Another person had a similar question on the Android Enthusiasts SE site: Can I manually focus the camera on my Android phone?

Last but not least, the XDA Developers forum has some pretty detailed information.

Good luck! I'm a photographer myself, so this looks like an interesting project.



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