Linux shell get field value from yml file

I have a database.yml file like

  adapter: mysql2
  encoding: utf8
  database: d360
  host: localhost
  username: root
  password: password

  adapter: mysql2
  encoding: utf8
  database: sample
  host: localhost
  username: root
  password: password


Now I want the value of the test environment database (that is, sample

for the YAML shown). How can we do this with sed?


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2 answers

It's pretty easy without using sed

but with the appropriate shell tools. First, if you need to store sample

in a variable for later use, then something like the following will work using bash substring substitution to isolate sample

from Test: / database ::

$ db=$(grep -A3 'test:' database.yml | tail -n1); db=${db//*database: /}; echo "$db"


or for a shorter solution that you can dump on the command line, remove the variable and command substitution and use a tool like cut


$ grep -A3 'test:' database.yml | tail -n1 | cut -c 13-


or, << 26>, simply:

$ grep -A3 'test:' database.yml | tail -n1 | awk '{ print $2}'


All the different ways can be used inside command substitution (i.e. var=$(stuff)

) to store sample

in var

, it's just the question you would rather use. I think you get the idea.



YAML is clearly not wrapped around. But sed is not a YAML parser either. Also no grep, tail, cut, etc. I'm sure you need a real language in which to write the correct parser. Awk, perl, python, erlang, etc.

You can use sed or shell or somesuch if you know your YAML data will always be formatted in a certain way, or will contain certain values ​​in a certain order, but to make the parser work in general and on whatever ol 'YAML you point it to , you will need to emulate parsers that already exist in other languages.

If you don't want to write your own (maybe ask the StackOverflow community for help after you have some code to consider), then one option might be to install a tool like shyaml that can parse files accurately and give you authoritative content. A fast solution, easy to implement in your scripts, although it has some dependencies (python).



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