How can I use and allow http proxy with node.js http.Client

I am sending an HTTP request through a proxy to add username and password to my request. How do I correctly add these values ​​to my option block?

This is my code:

var http = require('http');

var options = {
  port: 8080,
  host: '',
  path: '/index',
  headers: {
   Host: ""

http.get(options, function(res) {
  console.log("StatusCode: " + res.statusCode + " Message: " + res.statusMessage);


Currently the answer is StatusCode: 307, Message: Authentication Required .

I tried to add username and password to my options, but it doesn't work:

var options = {
    port: 8080,
    host: '',
    username: 'myusername',
    password: 'mypassword',
    path: '/index',
    headers: {
       Host: ""


Additional information: I have little information about proxies, but otherwise this authentication method worked:

npm config set proxy



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1 answer

Ok, this works with my local squid:

var http = require('http');

function buildAuthHeader(user, pass) {
    return 'Basic ' + new Buffer(user + ':' + pass).toString('base64');

proxy = 'localhost';
proxy_port = 3128;
host = '';
url = '';
user = 'potato';
pass = 'potato';

var options = {
    port: proxy_port,
    host: proxy,
    path: url,
    headers: {
        Host: host,
       'Proxy-Authorization': buildAuthHeader(user, pass),

http.get(options, function(res) {
  console.log("StatusCode: " + res.statusCode + " Message: " + res.statusMessage);


Couple notes:

  • The full url needs to be included in the GET string, not just the path, so its not /index.html but
  • You must also include the host in the host header, so you will need to parse the url correctly


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