PHP: find same keys in multidimensional array and combine results

I have a multidimensional array that looks like this:

$array = (
    [0] => array (
        ['WS'] => array(
             [id] => 2,
             [name] => 'hello'
    [1] => array (
        ['SS'] => array(
             [id] => 1,
             [name] => 'hello2'
    [2] => array (
        ['WS'] => array(
             [id] => 5,
             [name] => 'helloAGAIN'


As you can see, $ array [0] and $ array [2] have the same key [WS]. I need a function to find those "same keys". After that, I would combine these two arrays into one. fe

$array =
    [0] => array 
            ['WS'] => array
                     [0] => array
                             [id] => 2,
                             [name] => 'hello'
                     [1] => array
                            [id] => 5,
                            [name] => 'helloAGAIN'
    [1] => array 
             ['SS'] => array
                     [0] => array
                              [id] => 1,
                              [name] => 'hello2'


Hope you can understand my problem. Congratulated


source to share

3 answers

function group_by_key ($array) {
  $result = array();
  foreach ($array as $sub) {
    foreach ($sub as $k => $v) {
      $result[$k][] = $v;
  return $result;


See how it works



you can just loop through the array and remove the corresponding elements

    $multiArray = array('0' => etc etc);
    $matches = array();

    foreach(multiArray as $key => $val)
       $keyValToCheck = key($val);

       if(!in_array($keyValToCheck, $matches))
          $matches[] = $keyValToCheck; // add value to array matches

          // remove item from array because match has been found




You could just exclude the first level of your array and you would end up with something like this:

$array = (
    ['WS'] => array(
        [0] => array(
                [id] => 2,
                [name] => 'hello'
        [1] => array(
               [id] => 5,
               [name] => 'helloAGAIN'
    ['SS'] => array(
        [0] => array(
              [id] => 1,
              [name] => 'hello2'


This way you can add things to your array like this:

$array['WS'][] = array();




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