Custom AuthorizeAttribute Ninject Property Injection doesn't work (nested property has helper services that need to be inserted)

I think the specifics of my question are very different from other similar questions I have.

I know that when I have a custom AuthorizeAttribute I cannot inject dependencies with the constructor. This is because the constructor will take parameters - in my case, permission strings.

 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = false)]
    public class UserAllCSPermissionBasedAuthFilter : AuthorizeAttribute


I am depending on the authorization service, so I am injected using property injection.

  public IAuthorizationService _authorizationService { get; set; }


The problem is that this service depends on another service - serviceervice, which is directly related to the repository and dbcontext. I am specifying that my db context is in request scope. This throws out the exception - "The operation could not be completed because the DbContext was deleted." When I looked at the code, this happens when the authorization service calls the user service which asks the dbcontext for some data. How can I avoid this?

  public class AuthorizationService : IAuthorizationService
        private readonly ICommonRepository _commonRepository;
        private readonly IRepositoryBase<UsersInRolesEntity> _repositoryUsersInRoles;
        private readonly IRepositoryBase<UserCustomerRolesEntity> _repositoryCurstomerRoleEntities;
        private readonly ISqlCustomersRepository _sqlCustomerRepository;
        private readonly IRoleService _roleService;
        private readonly IUserService _userService;
        private readonly IPermissionService _permissionService;

        public AuthorizationService(
            IRepositoryBase<UsersInRolesEntity> repositoryUsersInRoles,
            IRepositoryBase<UserCustomerRolesEntity> repositoryCurstomerRoleEntities,
            ICommonRepository commonRepository,
            ISqlCustomersRepository sqlCustomerRepository,
            IRoleService roleService,
            IUserService userService,
            IPermissionService permissionService



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1 answer

Stephen thanks for your support, I looked at the articles you suggested and Ninject's guide. I totally agree with you that Property Binding is not a bad idea. But it was not possible to understand why we are doing everything in the article ( ). I believe this was written before the Ninject authors added a way to configure attribute binding using their framework ( ).

I looked at my Ninject config. For my authorization filters, I had something like this:

#region UserAllCSPermissionBasedAuthFilter

kernel.BindFilter<UserAllCSPermissionBasedAuthFilter>(FilterScope.Action, 0)
    .WithConstructorArgumentFromActionAttribute<UserAllCSPermissionBasedAuthFilter>("permissionEnums", att => att.PermissionEnums);

kernel.BindFilter<UserAllCSPermissionBasedAuthFilter>(FilterScope.Controller, 0)
    .WithConstructorArgumentFromControllerAttribute<UserAllCSPermissionBasedAuthFilter>("permissionEnums", att => att.PermissionEnums);



I have a couple of these and then the light bulb moment came :) I just saw a small error in my configuration. Instead of using:

kernel.BindFilter<UserAllCSPermissionBasedAuthFilter>(FilterScope.Controller, 0)
    .WithConstructorArgumentFromControllerAttribute<UserAllCSPermissionBasedAuthFilter>("permissionEnums", att => att.PermissionEnums);


It should be:

kernel.BindFilter<UserAllCSPermissionBasedAuthFilter>(FilterScope.Controller, 0)
    .WithConstructorArgumentFromControllerAttribute<UserAllCSPermissionBasedAuthFilter>("permissionEnums", att => att.PermissionEnums);


WhenActionMethodHas → WhenControllerHas.

This miraculously fixed everything. Works fine now and the code looks fine to me with no additional encoding changes.



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