Trying to define breakpoints in Landsat imagery - why is BFAST missing obvious breaks?

I have a stack of 300+ NDVI landscape images. I am using the BFAST package in R to define breakpoints. The breaks are often extremely obvious, as you can see from this image:
enter image description here

Note that there was a huge drop in NDVI in 1988, followed by a gradual increase. BFAST ignores the obvious break and instead puts a breakpoint around 1994 in the middle of the fade.

I used the following R code to run BFAST:

bfast (ndvi.ts, h = .3, season = "harmonic", max.iter = 1, breaks = 1)

(Tweaking the h parameter doesn't seem to improve the situation.)

A few questions for everyone:

  • Is there a parameter other than h that I can tweak to improve the results?
  • If not, is there a way to massaging the data to get better results?
  • If not, is there another breakpoint analysis package in R that can give better results?

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1 answer

I struggled with the same parsing and ended up using the ecp package

In my workflow, I retrieve my index for image dates for multiple sites and put them in a dataframe. Then from there I have a loop that calculates the changepoint and creates a ggplot of the time series with the specified changepoints. I won't show the entire loop here, but the code for identifying change points looks something like this:

df <- "your data frame"
df2 <- df[ ,1]#assuming your data values are in first column
ecp.mat <- matrix(df2, ncol = 1)
ecp.out <- e.divisive(ecp.mat, R = 499, sig.lvl = sig, alpha = 1 )
ecp.est <- ecp.out$estimates[c(-1, -length(ecp.out$estimates))]#drop first and last records


The last object above contains the location of your replacement points and then I draw that. Hope it helps.



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