Best practice for "getting" functions

I am new to Python.

Suppose I have a dictionary that contains the administration state of a power supply. (OK = Enabled FAIL = Disabled).

There are several ways to write a "get" function:

1st way

  gets the admin state from dictionary.
  returns true if turned off.
  returns false if turned on.

  gets the admin state from dictionary.
  returns true if turned on.
  returns false if turned off.


Second way

is_power_supply_on_or_off(dictionary, on_or_off)
  gets the admin state from dictionary.
  returns true/false based on the received argument


Third way

  gets the admin state from dictionary.
  return value.


Then I can set in the function that calls the get function

if get_power_supply_admin_state() == turned_on/turned_off...


My questions:

Which of the above is considered best practice?

If all three are ok and it's just a matter of style, please let me know.

Is the first way "code duplication"? I am asking this because I can combine two functions as one (by adding an argument as in the second). However, IMO, the 1st way is more readable than the 2nd way.

I would be grateful if you can share your thoughts on each of the ways that I have indicated.

Thanks in advance!


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5 answers

I would say the best approach would be to only have a function is_power_supply_on

. Then, to check if it's off, you can do not is_power_supply_on(dictionary)


It could even be a lambda (assuming it state

is the admin status key) ::

is_power_supply_on = lambda mydict: mydict['state'].lower() == 'ok'


The problem with the first approach is that, as you say, it destroys codes.

The problem with the second approach is that at best you keep two characters compared to not

(if you use 0

or 1

for on_or_off

) and if you use a more idiomatic approach (like on=True

or on_or_off="off") you end up using more characters. Further, it results in slower and more complicated code since you need to do an


The problem with the third approach is that in most cases you will probably be wasting characters compared to just getting the value dict

with the key.



Even if this solution is not in your suggestions, I think the most pythonic way to create getters is to use properties. In this case, you will be able to know if the power is on or off, but the user will use this property since it was a simple member of the class:

def state(self):
    # Here, get whether the power supply is on or off
    # and put it in value
    return value


In addition, you can create two class constants PowerSupply.on = True

and = False

, which will simplify your code



The general style of Pythonic is not to repeat yourself unnecessarily, so certainly the first method seems pointless because it is actually confusing to follow (you should notice if it is included or not)

I would gravitate more towards

  gets the admin state from dictionary
  return value


And if I read this correctly, you can go even further.

  return the admin state from dictionary == turned on


This will evaluate to True if enabled and False otherwise, creating a trivial test, because then you can run

if power_supply_on(dictionary):




This is more Pythonic for storing a dictionary in a class:

class PowerSupply(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.state = {'admin': 'FAIL'}

    def turn_on(self):
        self.state['admin'] = 'OK'

    def is_on(self):
        return self.state['admin'] == 'OK'


(add more methods as needed)

Then you can use it like this:

ps = PowerSupply()
if not ps.is_on():
    # send an alert!




result = is_power_supply_off(state)
result = is_power_supply_on(state)
result = not is_power_supply_on(state)  # alternatively, two functions are certainly not needed


I really prefer this name for readability. Let's just look at the alternatives, not in the function definition, but where the function is used.

result = is_power_supply_on_or_off(state, True)
result = is_power_supply_on_or_off(state, False)
if get_power_supply_admin_state(state):
if not get_power_supply_admin_state(state):


All of these codes require a map of what True

it False

means in this context. And to be honest, it's not so clear. In many embedded systems, 0

means true. What if this function parses the output from a system command? The value 0

(false) is an indicator of correct state / execution. As a result, intuitive True

means that "OK" does not always work. So my strong advice for the first option is the aptly named function.

Obviously you will have some kind of private function for example _get_power_supply_state_value()

. Both functions will call it and process it. But the point is - it will be hidden inside the module, which knows what it means, it is considering the power state. Implementation details and API users don't need to know.



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