Deploy the application to my own server without the port number in the address

I set up my own server with R and a shiny server and have added some applications already.

However, all applications have a port number like :3838


, which doesn't look very pretty if my future plan is to build the whole site using shiny.

So if it is possible to change some configuration to remove it :3838

from the address?


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1 answer

You need to change the setting in the Shiny Server config file (change the port it listens on). See below (if you are using Ubuntu):

Find the shiny server config file (available at / etc / shiny -server / shiny-server.conf). Find the line:

# Instruct this server to listen on port 3838
  listen 3838;


Change this to 80 (this is the default http port).

Then restart the shiny server service:

service shiny-server restart


Now all your applications will run through: 80 (or normal http port), which you don't need to specify when entering the link.

NOTE. I'm not sure how this might affect other sites you might host (I only run a shiny / rstudio server on my box, so I have nothing to worry about).

For more information see the shiny server documentation (section 2.1 for your specific question)



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