Align WPF Controls

I have an MVVM WPF application with itemscontrol. The number of horizontal children is affected by the width of the elements. There is only one thing I haven't decided. I am trying to align children in such a way that they are always centered. I took quick pictures in paint to demonstrate what I mean.

How is it now: Itemscontrol image layout fault

If the width strengthens further, the fourth element will be added horizontally. This function should remain.

How I would like to see this: Itemscontrol image layout wish

If there is enough space for the fourth item, add it. I think the answer could be a simple XAML property. Anyone have an idea?


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1 answer

Place an ItemsCetrol in the grid and set it HorizontalAlignment

to Center


    <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Images}" HorizontalAlignment="Center">
                <WrapPanel Orientation="Horizontal"/>
                <Image Source="{Binding}" .../>




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