How to load speech (audio) generated from text using Text-to-speech responsivevoice.js?

I am using responsivevoice.js JavaScript Library to listen to articles on the web. This is the best free text to speech I've found, better than a lot of paid ones I've tried, but I also need to download audio and I have no idea how. Any ideas on how I can go about doing this? Or is there any other good text-to-speech, with unlimited characters and download options?

I made a quick demo to better illustrate the situation.


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1 answer

Use url like:

This is the URL responsivevoice.js

used to read the text. Replace Type%20text%20here

with your own text.

<a href="javascript:var text=escape(prompt('Type text here: '));
window.location.href = ''+ text +'&tl=en-US';" id="a">Play</a>


Try it:



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