How do I invoke the salt call state.highstate from a Python script?

Is it possible to call salt-call state.highstate

(command) inside a python script and know when it's done? (Ownerless)


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2 answers

You can use the salt client API to achieve this goal .

When starting without skill, you should use a class Caller

that provides the same interface as the command line tool salt-call

on Minion.

import salt
caller = salt.client.Caller()
output = caller.function('state.highstate')


The result here is the full result of the high state - there is no current way to run asynchronously.

To run highstate on a minion, use the interface LocalClient

on the salt server:

import salt
client = salt.client.LocalClient()
jid = client.cmd_async('minion-name', 'state.highstate')


The variable here jid

is the Salt job ID for the highstate job. Then you can ask Salt to do the jobs with:

client.cmd('minion-name', 'saltutil.running')


Which, when run in a loop, will allow you to check if the highstate has completed.



it looks like you might need to write a returner that stores the result in a file or something

and call the command with

subprocess.check_output("salt-call state.highstate --returner=myReturner",shell=True)
#if the command blocks and does not return immediatly at this point it is finished

#if the command does not block you will have to check for the file that your returner creates until it exists
while not os.path.exists("my_returner_output.txt"):




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