How do I debug a php nusoap call that requires basic authentication that doesn't respond at all?

I'm trying to overwrite a Drupal module that is lagging behind the gateway API it connects to.

The stripped-down version of the code that I think is causing the problem is this:

$namespace = ($this->testing) ? '' : '';
$endpoint = $this->url;
$httpUsername = $this->user_name;
$httpPassword = $this->password;

$client = new nusoap_client($endpoint, TRUE);
$client->setCredentials($httpUsername, $httpPassword, 'basic');
$client->response_timeout = 50;
$result = $client->call($operation, array('request' => $params), $namespace);



consistently false. If I add something like this to my code, it also returns sequentially empty


$error = $client->getError(); 
watchdog('connection_message', $error);


I'm a little out of the way and no error reporting in my Apache logs or Drupal watchdog player. I can't see the way forward.


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5 answers

1. Enable PHP error reporting if it is not already enabled.

Make sure the settings error_reporting

, display_errors

in your file php.ini

are installed at E_ALL

and On

, respectively, for the local development. You can also add these directives at the beginning of your PHP script to set them at runtime:

ini_set('display_errors', 'On');


2. Catch NuSOAP errors like this:

$result = $client->call($operation, array('request' => $params), $namespace);
if ($client->fault) {
    echo 'Error: ';
} else {
    // check result
    $err_msg = $client->getError();
    if ($err_msg) {
        // Print error msg
        echo 'Error: '.$err_msg;
    } else {
        // Print result
        echo 'Result: ';


3. Make sure you are using the correct API parameters and endpoint:

From the eWAY API reference, your endpoints are:

4. Similar projects for the eWAY API that you can deploy:



In this case, I would like to say a couple of things.

First, why should you use this library? You can use Zend_Soap_Client

(if you don't have it, you can install it with composer : (search zendframework/zend-soap


Then you can download the trial version of PHPStorm . Its debugging tools when using are really awesome, you can check the whole variable and environment space at runtime.

Finally, you can use a friendly bug management tool like , you paste a few lines of code, create a trial account in there, and in a few minutes you will get all the errors that happen in your application.

In your case, you can see, for example, the current value $operation

that appears to be calling a function in the webservice.

Here's the code to test all the features offered in the webservice with Zend_Soap_Client


$endpoint = 'http://your.example.endpoint/?wsdl';
$soapClient = new Zend_Soap_Client($endpoint);
$functions  = $soapClient->getFunctions();




Since you are using SOAP requests your endpoint is wrong, it must be or



You can disable nusoap debugging to improve performance.

To check, edit the /include/nusoap/nusoap.php file and set the debug level to 0, do the following:

['nusoap_base']->globalDebugLevel = 0;

One more step is to remove all lines starting with:








You can try this module:

We are currently working with eWay to test this module together. It works with Drupal Commerce and implements the EWay RAPID 3.1 API and is PCI compliant.



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