Why doesn't PDB seem to support help () for all objects like the regular Python interpreter?

It seems that running "help (object)" in PDB doesn't really work, while in a regular interpreter it works very well in most cases. This is debugging, especially on new projects, a little annoying - is there a way to fix this?

(Pdb) help(int)
*** No help on (int)



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1 answer

When you type help...

into pdb, it invokes its own built-in pdb command help

, which provides help with regards to using pdb.

For the help

one you are looking for, you can bypass the built-in pdb with the prefix !


(Pdb) !help(int)

Help on class int in module __builtin__:

class int(object)
 |  int(x=0) -> int or long
 |  int(x, base=10) -> int or long

(Pdb) help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF    bt         cont      enable  jump  pp       run      unt   
a      c          continue  exit    l     q        s        until 
alias  cl         d         h       list  quit     step     up    
args   clear      debug     help    n     r        tbreak   w     
b      commands   disable   ignore  next  restart  u        whatis
break  condition  down      j       p     return   unalias  where 

Miscellaneous help topics:
exec  pdb

Undocumented commands:
retval  rv




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