Cannot call 'append' using an argument list of type '(String)'

What is wrong here and how to fix this problem?

struct Venue {
    let building: String
    var rooms: [String]?

func addRoom(building: String, room: String) {
    if let venueIndex = find( {$0.building}, building) {
        venues[venueIndex].rooms.append(room) //Cannot invoke 'append' with an argument list of type'(String)'

var venues: [Venue] = [...]



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1 answer

The problem is that venues[venueIndex].rooms

it is not [String]

, but a [String]?

. Options have no method append

- the meaning within them might, but they are not.

You can use optional chaining to append in case it is not nil




But you can instead rooms

initialize with rooms

an empty index when it is equal nil

, in which case you need to do a slightly more messy assignment instead of adding:

venues[venueIndex].rooms = (venues[venueIndex].rooms ?? []) + [room]


However, it's worth asking yourself, is it really necessary rooms

to be optional? Or could it just be an optional array with a starting value of empty? If so, it will likely simplify most of your code.



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