Find the department that is paid the maximum salary

I am a student working on a MySql assignment we give for the holidays.
I have a table that looks something like this:

name      dept     salary  
 A       Sales      100
 B       Marketing  200
 C       Sales      800


(Sorry, I'm new to stackexchange, so don't know how to display the table.)

Question for inquiry: find the department that is paid the maximum salary.
I entered the following query:

     , SUM(salary)
FROM emp
HAVING MAX(SUM(salary));


But I am getting the following error:

'Invalid use of group function error.


source to share

1 answer

In case the amount is salary

unique, you can calculate the amount for each dept

and then write the records in descending order by the aggregated salary and get the first record (with the highest salary):

select dept
     , sum(salary) as salary
from tbl
group by dept
order by salary desc
limit 1


In case the amount salary

may be the same for several dept

, you can calculate the salary amount for each dept

, then find the maximum amount salary

in the same way as described above, and using the having

validate clause if the amount salary

for each group is equal to the maximum amount salary


select dept
from tbl
group by dept 
having sum(salary) = ( select sum(salary) as salary
                       from tbl
                       group by dept
                       order by salary desc
                       limit 1)




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