Issues with binarySearch implementation

When I tried to write the following line:

int foundIndex = Collections.<K>binarySearch(keys, key);


error displayed: Parameterized method of <K>binarySearch(List<? extends Comparable<? super K>>, K)

type is   Collections

not applicable for arguments(List<K>, K)

What does the above error mean and what did I do wrong in my code?

    // Comparator used to sort elements; may be null if elements are Comparable
    public final Comparator<K> cmp;  

        super(new ArrayList<K>(), new ArrayList<V>());
        cmp = new MyComparator<K>();

    // Use the given comparator to sort the keys

        //super(new ArrayList<K>(), new ArrayList<V>());
        this.cmp = cmp;

        if(!(key instanceof Comparable) && cmp == null)
            throw new RuntimeException("The key is not instance of Comparable or comparator object is null");

    public int indexOf(K key) 
        int foundIndex = Collections.<K>binarySearch(keys, key);

        return foundIndex;

    public int compareTo(K otherKey) 
        int result = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++)
            result = ((Comparable<K>) keys.get(i)).compareTo(otherKey);
        return result;


MyComparator class

import java.util.Comparator;

    public int compare(K key1, K key2)
        return -1;




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2 answers

Your problem is that it FastGetListMM<K, V>

implements Comparable<K>

but Collections.<K>binarySearch(list, value)

expects a list Comparable<K>


This K

is to be implemented Comparable<K>

, not FastGetListMM

. If you want to use Collections.<K>binarySearch(keys, key)

, you need to FastGetListMM

implement List<Comparable<K>>

, not Comparable<K>

- and make sure all elements in FastGetListMM

are in ascending order.



To use this binary search implementation, you need K

to implement a comparable other function that gets a comparable value. In your case, you need to callCollections.<K>binarySearch(keys, key, new MyComparator());



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