Facebook SDK 4.1.0 error "Umbrella header for module" FBSDKCoreKit "does not include header" FBSDKTestUsersManager.h "

I just upgraded from SDK version 4 to 4.1.0. After updating, I get the following warning:

Umbrella header for FBSDKCoreKit module does not include header 'FBSDKTestUsersManager.h'

Does anyone have any ideas about this error?


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2 answers

This is because Facebook either deleted FBSDKTestUsersManager.h

or forgot to add it to FBSDKCoreKit.h

. Adding the following line in FBSDKCoreKit.h

should solve your problem:

#import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKTestUsersManager.h>


Update - 1

fixed in sdk 4.2.0



By adding that "Bolts.framework" will solve this problem.



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