How to Record / Record Voice / Video for Vaadin App

I am starting to play Vaadin framework for my project. The goal is to have simple functions to record voice or video if possible and then store it in a SQL database.

What I would like to know is how do I create new components for this? Is there a component already available that can be used for simple recording?

I found audio and video classes, but they are meant to be played. There are no add-ons (Vaadin site) that I know of, this will take care of this. Found java libraries will only be written on the server side (where the application resides). Any guidance is greatly appreciated.


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1 answer

We don't have built-in tools for this yet, and it was really difficult for a web developer last year.

The best shot is developing your own add-on based on the new HTML5 multimedia capabilities. A good start might be this and for this chapter and beyond



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