Javascript get parent element in array

I am trying to get the parent of a specific object (reference) in an array. Example:

var data = [
        key: "value1"
        children: [
                key: "value2"
                key: "value3"
                children: [
                        key: "value3a"
                        key: "value3b"
        key: "value4"


When something happens, I get this:

var clicked = {
    key: "value3a"


In this case, I know the button was clicked value3a

and it binds to the database with a variable data


The question is, how can I easily get the parent element clicked

? It should return the entire children array value3

that I want:

        key: "value3a"
        key: "value3b"


Note: I am currently using UnderscoreJS to find my array object. Maybe UnderscoreJS can help?


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2 answers

Just create a parent parent map so you can see what you need:

var map = {};
function recurse(arr, parent) {
    if (!arr) return;
    for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) { // use underscore here if you find it simpler
        map[arr[i].key] = parent;
        recurse(arr[i].children, arr[i]);
recurse(data, {key:"root", children:data});


Now, in your event handler, you can trivially use this map to find your siblings:





You can use recursive shortening function.

// Given
var data = [
        key: "value1",
        children: [
                key: "value2"
                key: "value3",
                children: [
                        key: "value3a"
                        key: "value3b"
        key: "value4"
var clicked = {
    key: "value3a"


We can define a recursive shortening function and give it a parent as a context.

var rec_reduce = function(memo, obj) {
    if(obj.key == clicked.key) {
        return this || memo;
    return _.reduce(obj.children, rec_reduce, memo, obj.children) || memo;

// Now we can lookup the key in clicked with one line
_.reduce(data, rec_reduce, null, data);

// Returns [{key: "value3a"}, {key: "value3b"}]


Or, if you want to use the underscore character to create a map, as suggested in the first answer, this is even easier:

var map = {};
var rec_map = function(obj, i, parent) {
    map[obj.key] = parent;
    _.each(obj.children, rec_map);
_.each(data, rec_map);

// Now getting the parent list is just a look up in the map

// Returns [{key: "value3a"}, {key: "value3b"}]




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