Mandrill base64 inline image / svg + xml not displayed in email?

When I send emails using Mandrill with images encoded in image / svg + xml format , they are not displayed by email.


"images": [{

"type": "image / xml + svg",

"name": "S1",

"content": PHN2ZyB4bWxuczp4bGluaz0iaHR0cDovL3d3 ......


`Images display well on a web page if I represent them as

<img src="......>


Also Mandrill works fine and shows images if I use image / png and base64 encoding the image


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1 answer

SVG images in emails are problematic. Your code is good, but email clients just don't display SVG images (for example, the iPhone's own email client does, but GMail, Hotmail, Yahoo, ... no). See this online test that shows which email clients do / do not display SVG images:



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